With Price Change Actions, you can make it so when certain conditions are met on your page, the pricing of the desired financial option(s) can change.
For example, you can create an action where if someone sets up a recurring donation, you can give a discount on your merchandise.
Pro Tip: Price change actions will change the price only when the condition event is met. If the condition event is not met, the price change actions will not take place. For example, if you create an action to reduce the price of your t-shirt from $10 to $5 when someone selects a specific fund, the price of the t-shirt will remain $10 until someone selects that fund. Once someone selects the fund, the price will then automatically change to $5.
The Donations field cannot be adjusted using Price Change actions. Only merchandise fields and other fields with financial options turned on can be adjusted.
Example Use Cases
Decrease the price of your merchandise if a donor gives over $500
Give a free t-shirt if someone sets up a recurring donation
Increase the price of your financial field after a specific date
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Getting Started
From the Pages screen, click the pencil icon under the page you want to edit
Go to the Actions tab
Click Create Your First Action, or click the + icon on your action if you already have actions on your page
Add Your Trigger
First, add the trigger field(s) (if applicable) on which you want to do the price change. Below includes some example triggers that your organization may want to utilize.
Donation-Based Trigger
Donation-Based Trigger
On the left-hand side, click the Amount field under the label of your Donations field
Select your desired option, and add the value to the field below if needed
The Is Completed option will adjust the price when the Amount field is completed
The Is Not Completed option will adjust the price when the Amount field is not completed
The Value is Exactly option will adjust the price when someone gives a specific Donation amount you set
The Value is Not Exactly option will adjust the price when someone gives any Donation amount except the value you set
The Greater Than option will adjust the price when someone gives above a Donation amount you set
The Less Than option will adjust the price when someone gives less than a Donation amount you set
Click the + button if you would like to add multiple triggers
If you click this button, click the All of these must be true checkbox if you would like all of the conditions to be met to adjust the price
If this checkbox is not selected, the price change action will occur if any one of the conditions is met
Fund-Based Trigger
Fund-Based Trigger
Note: To see the Fund option in the Actions field, you must use our Fund Tracking feature. Click here to learn how to enable fund tracking on your page.
On the left-hand side, click the Fund field found under your Donations field
Select your desired option, and add the value to the field below if needed
The Is Completed option will adjust the price when the Fund field is completed
The Is Not Completed option will adjust the price when the Fund field is not completed
The Value is Exactly option will adjust the price when a specific fund is selected. Add the name of the fund in the field that appears below
The Value is Not Exactly option will adjust the price when someone selects any Fund other than the Fund Name you set
The Value Contains option will adjust the price when someone selects a Fund that contains the value you set
The Value Ends With option will adjust the price when someone selects a Fund that ends with the value you set
Click the + button if you would like to add multiple triggers
If you click this button, click the All of these must be true checkbox if you would like all of the conditions to be met to adjust the price
If this checkbox is not selected, the price change action will occur if any one of the conditions is met
Recurring Donation-Based Trigger
Recurring Donation-Based Trigger
Note: To see the Recurring Donation option, your Donations field must have Recurring Donations enabled. Click here to learn how to enable recurring donations on your page.
On the left-hand side, click the Recurring Interval field found under your Donations field
Select your desired option
The Is Completed option will adjust the price when someone sets up a recurring donation
The Is Not Completed option will adjust the price when someone does not set up a recurring donation
Click the + button if you would like to add multiple triggers
If you click this button, click the All of these must be true checkbox if you would like all of the conditions to be met to adjust the price
If this checkbox is not selected, the price change action will occur if any one of the conditions is met
Date-Based Trigger
Date-Based Trigger
On the left-hand side, click the Date field
Select your desired option, and add the date to the field below by entering the date or clicking a date on the calendar
The Is option will adjust the price on a specific date
The Is Between option will adjust the price between specific dates
The Is Before option will adjust the price before a specific date
The Is After option will adjust the price after a specific date
Click the + button if you would like to add multiple triggers
If you click this button, click the All of these must be true checkbox if you would like all of the conditions to be met to adjust the price
If this checkbox is not selected, the price change action will occur if any one of the conditions is met
Custom Field-Based Trigger
Custom Field-Based Trigger
If you would like to create an action that triggers based on a custom field that you add to your GivingFuel page, this field must first be created on your GivingFuel Page Builder. Once that is done, you can target this field using Actions!
On the left-hand side, scroll down and select the custom field option you would like to target
Select your desired option in the field below
Click the + button if you would like to add multiple triggers
If you click this button, click the All of these must be true checkbox if you would like all of the conditions to be met to adjust the price
If this checkbox is not selected, the price change action will occur if any one of the conditions is met
Payment Method-Based Trigger
Payment Method-Based Trigger
On the left-hand side, scroll down and select the payment method you want to target
Select your desired option
The Is Selected option will adjust the price when a specific payment method is selected
The Is Not Selected option will adjust the price when a specific payment method is not selected
Click the + button if you would like to add multiple triggers
If you click this button, click the All of these must be true checkbox if you would like all of the conditions to be met to adjust the price
If this checkbox is not selected, the price change action will occur if any one of the conditions is met
Pro Tip: If you have an action that targets a specific payment method, this payment method will appear on your live page, even if the payment method is not enabled on the page builder itself.
If you do not want a specific payment method to appear on your live page, do not create an action targeting this payment method.
Add Your Price Change Action
On the right-hand side, find and select your price change action
Set Price will set the price of the field(s) to a new value that you set. If this option is selected, set the price in the text field that appears on the right
Increase Price will increase the price of the field(s) by a $ or % amount that you set. If this option is selected, choose whether you would like to adjust the price by $ or %, and enter the value increase in the text field
Decrease Price will decrease the price of the field(s) by a $ or % amount that you set. If this option is selected, choose whether you would like to adjust the price by $ or %, and enter the value decrease in the text field
Apply Discount will apply a discount on the field(s) by a $ or % amount that you set. If this option is selected, choose whether you would like to adjust the price by $ or %, and enter the discount in the text field
Limit Discount will limit the discount on a field(s) to a certain number on merchandise fields. If this option is selected, choose the limit of the discount in the text box that appears, and select the field(s) on which you want to limit the discount.
Choose the Field(s) on which you would like to adjust the price when the condition is met
Click the + button if you would like to add another action that occurs when the condition is met
Click Save Action
Click Save Now in the upper-right corner of your page to save your changes. Click Publish to publish these changes to your live page
Note: This Limit Discount applies to merchandise fields and quantity boxes, not multiple choice fields, donation fields, and search and support fields.
Users must use the Apply Discount action for the Limit Discount action to work. If users use the Apply Discount action, the Limit Discount action will not apply.
Users must add the Apply Discount event and the Limit Discount event within the same action by clicking the + button on the right-hand side of the action. If users create two separate actions (even if they use the same trigger), the Limit Discount field will not apply.
Pro Tip: On GivingFuel, the priority of actions run from bottom to top. So if you have multiple actions, the actions listed towards the bottom will override actions above them. You can reorder any of your actions as needed. We always recommend testing your page before publishing to confirm all of your actions work as expected.
Manage Your Actions
Find the Action you would like to manage, and click any of the following icons:
The pencil icon allows you to edit the action
The pages icon allows you to copy the action
The + icon allows you to create a new action
The trash can icon allows you to delete the action