Dashboard Overview
Below is additional information on...
Recent Donations
Declined Donations
Top Performing Pages
Donation Insights
Map of Visitors and Donations
Donation Stats
Highest Individual Donations
Top Donors
The Recent Donations section displays the number of Donors who have made a transaction in the past 60 days - the amount they paid, how many Donors are on the transaction and which page the transaction took place.
Declined Donations displays a list of donations that were declined.
Top Performing Pages shows which pages are the highest performers.
Donation Insights displays:
Average Donation made by your donors
Average Transaction Time for each page
Top Day of the Week that donations come in
Top Hour of the Day that donations are made
Average Recurring Donation made by each donor
Expected Monthly Recurring Revenue
The Map of Visitors and Donors section displays where the visits to your page are coming from and the donation locations. You can use the drop down to switch regions.
Donation Stats displays which device the donor used while checking out, different methods that were used to pay, how many recurring donations there are, and how many of the donors are recurring.
Highest Individual Donations display the amount that was paid by your top Donors with their name.
Top Donors show you the Donors who donated the most over a period of time.
Pro-Tip! When choosing Year-to-Date you can view your growth from beginning of the year to present- to view your highs and lows of donations throughout the year.
Key terms defined:
Page Visits- Displays the amount of visitors traced by a webhook that pulls total number of visits to the page(s).
Donors- The total number of donors in bold is the total number of donations after adding number of one-time donations and recurring donations.