This article will show you how to reset your password if you have forgotten it or update your password while logged into your GivingFuel account.
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Reset Password
If you have forgotten your password and are unable to login, you can click the button below to reset it.
Note: In order to reset your password, you'll need to know the email address associated with your user account.
If you enter an email address that is not in our system, you may receive an error of Forbidden.
Update Password
If you know your password and are logged into your account, you can update your password by doing the following:
From the Pages screen, hover your mouse over the gear icon in the upper-right corner of your account
Select My Profile from the dropdown
Click Edit Profile
Click the Change Password button
Add the new password as well as your current password
Click Save
NOTE: Passwords must be at least 6 characters and contain 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase and 1 number
When attempting to reset my password, why do I see Forbidden when I enter my email?
The Forbidden message typically means that the entered email is not associated with a user on a GivingFuel, TicketSpice, RegFox, or RedPodium account. If you see this message, we recommend entering another email.